Welcome D!
iBC Healthcare and Lester Hall Apartments in particular, are thrilled to welcome D into the service this week. After nearly a year of incredible efforts from all involved, not to mention the remarkable patience of D in anticipation of hospital discharge, we are proud to say that D is finally coming home to Leicester, joining Lester Hall Apartments and on behalf of D, we are honoured to share his story.
D has experienced frequent readmissions to hospital since 2008, including time spent within PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit), forensic assessment, acute and rehabilitation services in accordance with his complex presentation and level of risk at these times. Before joining iBC Healthcare, D had been detained as an inpatient in various secure settings in London for over five years consecutively. D has a longstanding diagnosis of EUPD and throughout his life has sadly engaged in severe acts of self-injurious behaviour.
D is originally from Leicester and despite his troubled upbringing into the early years of his adulthood, he expressed his wishes to return “home”. D was referred to iBC Healthcare in the Summer of 2022, at such time very early conversations were being held about the hospital’s ability to discharge him. Despite several setbacks, fluctuating presentation and complications over the course of six months, iBC were committed in helping D reintegrate back into his community and in January 2023 our robust assessment process began to include regular discussions with D’s MDT, several in person visits to see D in London and an internal high risk panel to ensure iBC were well equipped to support D’s complex mental health needs and the severity of his behaviour. Once iBC and the Lester Hall Apartments operational team were more than confident in our ability to help D reach and exceed his potential, a bespoke transitional plan was implemented to ensure D built a great rapport with his new support peers.
Despite residing in London for over five years, D had never enjoyed any sight-seeing. So, as part of iBC’s transition plan we headed over to the London Zoo, London Airport, the local nature reserve and a cat café! Throughout transition, D has made the trip to Leicester himself, to visit his new peers of Lester Hall Apartments, taking a particular liking to the homes Cat, Felix! This week Lester Hall Apartments to include residents, support colleagues and management are throwing D a BBQ, after learning he hadn’t had one in seven years! The perfect opportunity to show D what Lester Hall Apartments are all about.

Registered Manager Charlie Potter, was nothing short of remarkable throughout this transition; dedicating many hours, train journeys and resource into ensuring a strong and trusting relationship was deeply rooted before D joined us. We are thrilled at the feedback from D, which is innately clear reading this beautiful poem he has written:

Supporting people to live in their own communities, with regular contact with their circles of support is incredibly important to iBC. Our support is designed in line with people’s particular needs, wishes and goals; empowering them to live a life they want to, where they want to.

We are looking forward to seeing D flourish in the community with the support of Lester Hall Apartments and iBC. A very special thank you to Charlie and her team for your commitment to changing D’s life for the better. Welcome D! #wedoamazingeveryday
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