
IBC support individuals with Autistic Spectrum Conditions of varying complexity and support needs. Autistic individuals are exactly that, “Individual”. Everyone is different and we recognise this, supporting individuals in a person-centred manner, meeting their specific needs. We understand everyone sees and understands the world differently to each other and this is what makes us unique, but also completely normal human beings.

Everyone at IBC has a commitment to understanding the different perspectives and lifestyles of the people we support.All staff receive training in Autism and related conditions to understand how best to support individuals proactively, considering their strengths, abilities, interests, and personal goals. Bespoke autism training is provided to staff where additional needs require further support such as sensory processing disorders, communication difficulties, and behaviours of concern. People we support are supported by staff who are inclusive, adaptable, positive, and passionate for providing the highest standard of care and support possible and are proactive in helping individuals grow and develop in all areas of their life. 

Active support, total communication, intensive interaction, positive behavioural support, trauma informed care, and low arousal approaches are just a few of the strategies we use to empower and enable the people we support to live a life they want, whilst maintaining safety and increasing life opportunities. 

We believe in building and maintaining professional working relationships with the people we support and their support network to ensure a holistic approach is taken and quality of life is maximised through consistent and reliable care.Identifying their interests and abilities and matching staff with similar interests and abilities is something we do very well as this helps build and maintain positive relationships, whilstproviding new life opportunities and experiences.