Person Centred Care – This is JP
JP is a young man who is profoundly deaf with a learning disability.
Following a breakdown of care in a residential placement. J had to move in with his sister where she cared for J for over a year. J’s needs are considered complex, requiring 2:1 specialist support and so they began to search for J’s own property. Unfortunately this process proved difficult and even after finally finding and accepting a property. Plans fell through and J and his family were left disappointed when told they needed to start their search again.
Having built good relationships with local commissioners and already offering a hub of supported living properties within the desired area. A referral was made to iBC Healthcare to explore and provide a bespoke home for life, and specialist support in Nottinghamshire. IBC conducted a robust assessment process between Christmas and New Year 2022. As of early 2023, IBC were keen to offer a package of care, and a home J can call his own.
The perfect home

When the right property was found, IBC’s Operational Team in Nottingham worked together to produce a comprehensive transition plan and begin value based recruitment in line with J’s communicational needs to include British Sign Language and Makaton.
J celebrated his 30th birthday during the transitional care period. As a surprise, Registered Manager for Supported Living Nottinghamshire, Adele Rickett arranged with his family for J to see his completed home for the first time!

“He was so happy and he loved his new home! He took lots of pictures and told us exactly how he wants it. He was very happy and smiley the whole time, we decorated the house with banners and balloons to make the experience enjoyable and he was over the moon to say the least!”
Adele Rickett, Registered Manager
“What a lovely thing to do. Thank you so much to Adele and her team for making this effort for J. In tough weeks when things are super busy, this stuff never ceases to make me smile!”
Brendan Kelly, Managing Director
J officially moved into his new home on the 18th of April and is settling brilliantly. This week, J participated in a bespoke British Sign Language session delivered by HearFirst Training. This training was arranged for J and his support team to ensure all communication needs are met. So that peers could build a great rapport with J, and to support great practice of BSL in our aims to enhance J’s quality of life in his forever home.

“It sure was amazing! We did a feedback form with J using widget communication afterwards and he expressed how much he loved it. J’s support team have expressed how much he and they benefited from the session. It’s fantastic to witness these goals being achieved within the first week of moving in!”
Adele Rickett
“The training was interesting in that the service user attended too. It was a valuable session, and J was fully engaged for the whole 3 hours. Staff could see first-hand how well he responded to effective communication. This is a fabulous example of a positive and person-centred approach”
Jule Ryder, HearFirst Training Partner