Transforming Care Managers Event
Last week, iBC Healthcare held the first ever managers meeting centred around Transforming Care. With a need now more than ever before for suitable accommodation with specialist care and support, providing individuals with complex needs their home for life.

It is widely recognised that for most autistic people or people with a learning disability, care in an inpatient unit is rarely helpful – in fact, it can be deeply damaging. Wards can be noisy, bright and unpredictable. Without reasonable adjustments to the environment, and support from a professional who understands autism and how to adapt care, it can be overwhelming, particularly if you have profound sensitivity to sound, touch and light. It can increase someone’s level of distress, which can lead to further restrictions and make it even harder to move to support in the community. The average length of stay is around five and a half years. And we continue to hear alarming cases of overmedication, seclusion and unnecessary restraint.
iBC colleagues discussed their pledge and commitment towards the contribution in supporting our five pillars of working in line with the programme and our journey towards this so far.

People we support are offered high quality care and accommodation within their local community wherever possible. Out of county placements are unfortunately very common due to lack of suitable accommodation needs, meaning that families and circles of support often have to travel for hours to see their loved ones. This also prevents Individuals to maintain vital clinical wraparound support from local teams who know them well, contributing significantly to the deterioration of a person’s presentation and lead to placement breakdown, which as we know often then leads to hospital re-admission.
Everything we do is designed to help the individuals we support to succeed and thrive, so they can enjoy everyday life and the freedom and rewards of living in a community environment.

This was a great day and the opportunity proved vital in sharing good practices, knowledge base and creative thinking around how we do and will continue to #achievetheunachieveable.
Managing Director Brendan Kelly said: “It was a genuine privilege to attend our Manager’s Meeting last week; a room full of dedicated, passionate and talented people, all focused on the same goals – to create a great place to work and provide the very best standard of care and support across our Day, Residential and Supported Living Services. I ask my colleagues to #doamazingeveryday – and they do, with enthusiasm, passion and relentless hard work”