S’s Dream of Seeing “The Vamps”
iBC Healthcare are widely recognised for helping those we support to achieve real dreams, goals and aspirations.
when an individual who attends one of our day services in Leicester expressed her admiration for British pop band “The Vamps”. Her family told us she would love to see them live, our incredible staff took it upon themselves to make it happen!
Claire Elliot, Team Leader for one of iBC’s Spoilt for Choice day services. Had liaised with a personal friend and managed to get three tickets to see S’s beloved band at Birmingham’s Utilita Arena.
Upon collecting S from her home in a specialist vehicle arranged by Vanice Ricketts, Day Service Manager. S’s Mum told staff how much she had been vocalising her excitement in the build up to the day. The journey to Birmingham was nothing short of smiles, laughter and singing along to the band they were about to see!
Upon arrival to the Utilita Arena, S and her support staff were given a merchandised band T shirt, event program. And were shown to their allocated seats that had been selected by the venue to facilitate S’s wheelchair. Claire said:
“The staff were amazing and very accommodating. I have left a five star review and even emailed the Utilita Arena directly to express how impressed we were with the service from them”
The staff members who accompanied S to the concert know her extremely well. So when they saw S waving her arms, laughing and making her “happy sounds” throughout the supporting act, they knew she was having a brilliant time.
“When The Vamps came on stage, S was so happy. She had tears streaming down her face but at the same time she was smiling her head off. She was that happy I even cried myself – I cried like a baby and couldn’t stop which S found highly amusing!”
when staff asked if S had a nice time, she responded with a huge smile accompanied with loud happy vocalisations. S’s support staff are extremely confident that S thoroughly enjoyed her evening which inevitably provided an incredible sense of achievement. Knowing they played a key role in one of S’s most memorable days.
iBC Healthcare are dedicated to providing and encouraging positive outcomes for those we support. Everything we do is based on enabling opportunity and empowerment in the community. Our expert support services focus on nurturing little incremental wins that result in rewarding experiences and personalised progress.
Progressive Thinking, Purposeful Interactions and Personal Achievements.