NA’s Journey
NA was originally referred to IBC Healthcare in August 2022. Seeking his own home in the community with 24 hour support, as a step down from a secure setting.
NA has Autism, limited verbal communication and a number of sensory integrative difficulties. Along with presenting with PICA traits and behaviour of concern. At the time of referral, it was reported that N had not worn clothes, shoes or even been outside for 7 years. He frequently displayed behaviour that challenged to include physical aggression, smearing and absconding. N experienced multiple placement breakdowns as a result of these complexities. One of these placements lasting as little as 24 hours. With a clear focus on finding a suitable home for life. His MDT made a referral to iBC as a specialist provider, offering bespoke accommodation, care and support.

iBC conducted a thorough assessment process to include a preassessment with those that know N well. Along with multiple visits to N in his previous placement and an internal high risk panel. To ensure we fully understood N’s complex needs and how our operational colleagues planned to meet them.
During our assessment process, iBC compiled a comprehensive understanding of N’s environmental requirements with input from the people who know him well. In line with his notable sensory needs and associated risk behaviour. N required a single occupancy property that was extremely private but not isolated. He required a robust property that would withstand damage caused by biting and tearing, along with anti-shred furnishings, high spec furniture and a need for a minimalist environment to help him regulate sensory sensitivities and autistic arousal.
iBC worked with his MDT and circle of support, to source and secure a suitable and bespoke bungalow in Nottingham. iBC adapted this property, with key input from N’s Occupational Therapist and other clinical support services. Property adaptations included, underfloor heating, toughened fixtures, anti-ligature fittings, padded walls and sensory spaces. It was also very important for N to have access to a secure garden. To support our aims of reintegrating him back into the community using garden access as a stepping stone to this goal.
NA finally moved into his home for life in January. Supported by a specialist team who now know him very well, following a successful transition period. This transitional period was incredibly important, as we were able create a sensory profile. Enabling us to identify what makes N unique and empower him to find strengths in his weaknesses. Those who support N, have provided meaningful techniques in line with these needs to ensure he feels safe and supported.

“I just want to share with you what I feel is an amazing and heart-warming achievement. NA was supported by his team and family in the garden yesterday, totalling 2 hours 30 minutes. He wore his clothes and when he took them off, staff offered them back to him and he very willingly put them back on, he didn’t rip his clothes once! N continued to play hide and seek with a member of his support team followed by a drink and a snack outside and sensory activities. He engaged really well.”
Adele Rickett, Registered Manager
iBC are thrilled by the progress made so far by NA. This is only the very start of his journey to maximum independence and an enhanced quality of life. We are very much are looking forward to N exploring his potential is his new home for life.