We do happy every day

Profound and Multiple Learning Disability

A profound and multiple learning disability (PMLD) is when a person has a severe learning disability and other disabilities that ...

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Shannon Gregory
December 1, 2022

Shannon Gregory


IBC support individuals with Autistic Spectrum Conditions of varying complexity and support needs. Autistic individuals are exactly that, “Individual”. Everyone is different and we recognise ...

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Shannon Gregory
October 19, 2022

Shannon Gregory

Mental Health

We at IBC understand that the term mental health has a stigma of being focused on the negative side of ...

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Shannon Gregory
October 25, 2022

Shannon Gregory

Behaviours That Challenge

We at IBC understand that all behaviours of concern, distress and arousal happen for a reason and that all behaviour ...

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Shannon Gregory
October 25, 2022

Shannon Gregory

Sensory Needs

People who have sensory needs may have an aversion to things that over stimulate their senses such as noise, light ...

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Shannon Gregory
October 25, 2022

Shannon Gregory